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Caitlin Smith

Patient Experience Coordinator

Hello, and welcome to Thrive!

I’m Caitlin and I’m here to help you feel at home in our clinic. I understand the importance of each of our various services as I use them myself…I started as a patient and have now found my new ‘home’ working as part of the patient experience team!

Prior to working here, I spent many years in various retail environments, as well as 2 separate stints as a home childcare provider. I’ve dedicated my life to helping people find what they need to thrive. Also, I’m now studying part-time in the health care field to further my abilities in helping others.

When I’m not helping you in the clinic, I have an eclectic assortment of hobbies. I love to travel, cruising in particular, and I enjoy spending time with my husband and young son, well as our feline and finned family members. I also love going to the gym and exercising as often as possible.

I look forward to welcoming you to our clinic and sharing your health and wellness journey with you!


What’s you favourite book?

It’s a toss up between The mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley and The Outsiders by SE Hilton…I have read both of them MANY times!

What’s one item on your bucket list?

Doing a world cruise and visiting the turtles in the Galapagos Islands

What is something everyone does not know about you?

That I grew up travelling. My dad worked for foreign affairs so I was born in the US, and then lived in Russia, Indonesia and Egypt as a child before moving back to Ottawa (our home base). I’m also bilingual in French and English, and I am keeping up with my French since my son is in French school.