Andrew De Sousa

Registered Massage Therapist

My initial exposure to the therapeutic sciences was in high school when I developed mild scoliosis in my back. My lower back hurt constantly and even sitting down caused me discomfort. I panicked, thinking this would become my new normal, however, after several trips to the physiotherapist and adhering to some home care exercises, I was able to eliminate the pain I was experiencing. And that’s it…not only was I hooked, but I was also convinced physiotherapists were magicians! Around the same time, my classes began to dive deeper into the inner workings of the human body. Its complexity and efficiency were (and still are) something I find equally interesting and amazing.

At the end of high school, when it came to thinking about future careers, I focused on these personal experiences. I also leaned on my admiration for community outreach and helping others, something that was strongly encouraged at my school. With these two interests at the forefront of my mind, I thought “what’s better than a career where I can engage with both?”. And here we are.

To pursue my passions, I decided to leave South Africa, where I was born and spent most of my life, to study in Ontario. Beginning with my bachelor’s degree, I studied Kinesiology and Health Science at York University. To continue to a hands-on career, ensuring that I would make the most impact in my profession, I chose to complete my diploma in Massage Therapy at Fleming College. Through the immersive clinical experience that I was provided at Fleming, I am content to say that this is where my two passions can work in harmony. I am kind-hearted, respectful, and my goal is to help people move and feel better because when we feel better, we live better.

What is something about you that usually surprises people?
I was once charged by an elephant. Exhilarating indeed.

What are your hobbies?
I used to be an avid dirt bike rider back home, but since moving to Canada I enjoy connecting with nature and appreciating the small things in life. I am also a sucker for looking at antiques and Wild West movies or books!

What is your favorite quote?
“It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.”
-Nelson Mandela